The Lakewood Masonic Temple, Lakewood, Ohiio The Lakewood Masonic Foundation
Historic Preservation · Charity · Education


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The Lakewood
Masonic Temple

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The Lakewood
Masonic Foundation

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Masonic Family

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Foundation Home | Donate | Grants Made | Trustees

Why Donate?

The principal reason to support The Lakewood Masonic Foundation is your commitment to the historic preservation of the Lakewood Masonic Temple, to charitable works and/or to education. Your gift to the Foundation will support these worthy purposes while providing you with deductions from your federal income tax and/or federal estate tax to the extent permitted by law.

How to Donate

AmazonSmile When you use this link to shop at AmazonSmile, Amazon will donate 0.5% of your purchase to The Lakewood Masonic Foundation. This will not increase the price you pay for your purchases.
Facebook Facebook users may donate through our Facebook page. Facebook does not charge a fee to The Lakewood Masonic Foundation or other not-for-profit organizations.
CheckStock Certificate Gifts may be in the form of cash, securities or property. Gifts of appreciated securities and/or charitable gift annuities can be especially beneficial to the donor. In matters such as these, you are best advised to discuss your intentions with an attorney and/or tax accountant.
Donation Transmittal Form Adobe Reader Document
IRA Charitable Rollover Holders of traditional (not Roth) IRAs must begin taking required minimum distributions (RMDs) in the year they turn age 70-1/2. Distributions made directly from an IRA to a qualified charity such as The Lakewood Masonic Foundation can count toward your required minimum distribution, subject to a collective limit of $100,000 per year. Such distributions do not incur either federal income or estate taxes but also do not count as itemized deductions for tax purposes.
Wills & Bequests Donations can be made after death by naming The Lakewood Masonic Foundation as a beneficiary in your will, life insurance policy, IRA, TOD (Transfer on Death) account or the like, either as a fixed amount or a percentage. A will can be amended by codicils without having to be rewritten in its entirely. In matters such as these, you are best advised to discuss your intentions with an attorney and/or tax accountant.

Donor Recognition

The Lakewood Masonic Foundation maintains a joint donor recognition policy with The Lakewood Masonic Temple Company. Each year a consolidated list of donors is compiled based on cumulative lifetime gifts to the Foundation, the LMT Endowment Fund and the LMT Operating Fund. Note that gifts to the LMT Endowment and Operating Funds are NOT deductible for federal tax purposes.

Lifetime Giving Societies

Founder $10,000 or more
Investor $5,000-$9,999
Benefactor $1,000-$4,999
Patron $500-$999
Supporter $100-$499
Club Up to $99

Mailing Address:

The Lakewood Masonic Foundation
15300 Detroit Avenue
Lakewood, OH 44107-3888

Email Inquiries:


City of Lakewood 2010 Historic Preservation Award Winner

Our Community Partnerships

Lakewood Alive - An Economic Development Corporation

Downtown Lakewood - An Ohio Main Street Program

Light Up Lakewood Lakewood Arts Festival Lakewood Charitable Assistance Corporation

© 2004-18 The Lakewood Masonic Foundation | Lakewood, Ohio 44107 | +1.216.521.1242 | Webmaster

Page Last Updated 7 December 2018